Peter-Clement Woetmann

Born: 1985, Copenhagen

Resides in: Møn, Denmark

Notable releases: Mit indre Pompeii, 2010; Bag bakkerne, kysten – en klagesang, 2017.

Since his debut ‘Heldigvis er skoven blevet væk’ – ‘Luckily the forest has disappeared’ in 2005, Peter-Clement Woetmann has been increasingly involved in the public debate, including the war in Afghanistan and European refugee situation. He is a graduate of the ‘Forfatterskolen’ in Copenhagen, former resident playwright of Aarhus Theater and in 2019 received the Danish Arts Foundation three year grant. During Sommertid Poetry Festival Peter-Clement Woetmann will release the album ‘Og ørkner i rasende udenfor’ together with musician Mikkel Almholt.